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How to Use Blob Brush Tool : Adobe Illustrator tutorial

Blob Brush Tool is an awesome addition to the tools pallet in adobe Illustrator Cs6. It was introduced in version CS4. It creates brush strokes consists of strokes and fills unlike brush tool which creates only strokes. It is so flexible that you can create a vector artwork and then use the blob brush to add colors to it.

Let's see with an example.

In the image below there are 2 lines. Top one is made using brush tool and when selected you see that it is made up only with stroke. Bottom line is made with the blob brush tool, when selected you see that it has a fill and stroke. Blob Brush actually creates vector shapes.

Blob bush tool creates shapes which have fill and strokes to it. If you continue drawing strokes with it and then switch to outline mode you will see that it is one vector shape

The biggest challenge to create filled shapes is that the shape should be closed. Making vector illustrations is what Illustrator is for, but it is challenging to create closed shapes every time. When creating intricate illustrations it is hard to create closed path and hence color it. With the Blob brush tool now you can create your Illustrations the way you want and then color it blob brush tool. Blob brush tool is quite similar to brush tool in Adobe Photoshop except that this is vector.

Let's see how I used the Blob bush Tool to color this vector character that I made using the pen tool.

1) Create the character you want with any tool you are comfortable with.

2) Create a new layer under your line art layer. Select the Blob Brush Tool From the tools pallet or by pressing Shift + B and start coloring your art work.

3) If you go out of your line work it simple to fix it. There are 2 ways to do it :
a : Select the direct selection tool and adjust the shape.
b: Select the eraser tool and erase the part that is going out of the line work.

4) Likewise go ahead and fill out all the areas.

5) Now follow the same process and add shading to your character. You can use transparency and blend modes to get the desired effects.

That's all it is. Blob brush is a awesome tool in illustrator that gives you the flexibility of brush tool in Photoshop.

Practice and play around with the tool and and 1 day you will be able to create awesome art with it in a professional manner and become a Really Creative Graphic Designer.

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