Web And Graphic Design Blog

5 Best Google Font Pairs

Font are an integral part of any design project. Fonts convey mood and emotion of the design.

It is thus very important to choose fonts wisely. Equally important is to pair the font wisely. Not all fonts go well together. Like in our world not all people go well together. There are some who look good together likewise there are some fonts those look good together. Designers are always striving to find those best pairs to make their designs look professional.

Today I will go through 5 best Google web font pairs. They are widely used yet make their mark every time.

1) Lato and Open sans : Most widely used fonts but they go well together. Looks nice and clean. Both of them are Sans serif fonts. Both of them look professional for web design projects as well as print projects.

2) Montserrat and Roboto: Both of them are Sans serif fonts. Montserrat has a bit of small height while Roboto has an adequate height. This makes a good contrast and make your design stand out.

3) Muli and Open sans: Muli and roboto go well together. Muli has a soft feel and adequate height. Thickness of the font is just right. Roboto regular make a good combination with muli. The contrast in thickness of both the fonts is just right to make them go well together.

4) Roboto and Raleway: Roboto Medium has just right thickness to go well with raleway regular. Raleway has a sleek look to it which make it look professional. Try it in your project and see the magic.


 5) Merriweather and Montserrat: Merriweather is serif font while Montserrat is a Sans serif font. The contrast between serif and sans serif font make a perfect combination.

So those were my 5 best Google font pairings. The fonts used were lato, open sans, Montserrat, Merriweather, muli, roboto and raleway. All together 7 fonts to make up 5 combinations. The fonts I have selected are the ones which are most popular Google fonts right now. All of the fonts have a professional look to them which make your design professional. There are hundreds and thousands of fonts available but any design project requires the use of more than 1 font. It is a very crucial task to select the right font pairs. Do some research and play around with different font pairings to get it done right. You don't have to stick with what are declared to be the perfect pairs. Go ahead create your own set of font pairs. Also it is important to study the nature of each font which will help you to pair it with a font that is similar or contrasting in nature.

Experiment with and play with font and its types to create the perfect font pairs. Eventually you will become good with using type in professional manner and become a Really Creative Graphic Designer.

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