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Let’s have some fun with shape builder tool Illustrator cs6

Today I am going to go through shape builder tool in Illustrator CS6. This is one of the fantastic tool that Adobe Illustrator cs6 has. This is actually quite similar to Pathfinder tools that it had but an advanced version of the same. 

So let’s see how to use the shape builder tool in illustrator, 

1) Open a new document and select ellipse tool and draw 2 ellipse as shown below

2) Grab the Shape builder tool from the tools bar ( or Illustrator shape builder tool shortcut is CLT + M ). Click and drag from top of the first small circle to the big circle. 
That's how you combine shape with the tool. Now let’s see how to subtract shape.

1) Grab the ellipse tool and make 2 ellipse as shown below.

2) Grab the Shape builder tool and hold down ALT while you drag it from outside of the top ellipse till the intersection of 2 ellipse as shown below. 

So this is how you can subtract one shape from other.

OK now let’s make a fun project.

1) Grab the Ellipse tool set fill of a color and no stroke. Select the rotate tool from the tool bar and alt Click exactly below the circle.
 2) In the Rotate dialog box enter 45 degree and click on copy. Without deselecting it simply keep pressing Ctl D until you reach the first circle.
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3) Select the shape builder Tool from tool bar or press Shift M and alt click the areas shown below.

4) Keep alt clicking and deleting the areas shown in red.


5) Now alt click the area inside the flower shown below.
 6) Again keep alt clicking and deleting the area sown in red.

Final image is ready. This was just one way. You can create innumerable styles with it. Here are 2 more versions I created with this exact same process.

Just use your imagination and if you create something interesting don't forget to share it with me.

Shape Builder tool is a wonderful tool that can create wonders, so go ahead and fun with it .
Keep practicing and you will become a Really Creative Graphic Designer.

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