Web And Graphic Design Blog

How to get free Etsy listings!

Etsy is the best marketplace to sell online. It is a site that allows you to sell anything that you have made which distinguishes it from other sites.

Etsy Charges 0.20 per listing as listing charges. This is really low is you speak of one listing. But we have had many listing right. So eventually it becomes a fee that everyone despises. So Etsy has made a provision that if you refer someone to open an Etsy shop via your given Etsy link then you get 40 FREE listings how cool is that? Not just you but the person who opens a shop via your link also gets 40 FREE listings.

So where do you find this shareable link?
First Follow this link https://www.etsy.com/legal/policy/earn-free-listings/239323720100
then in How can I participate? In that paragraph, you will see go here underlined. Click on that underlined go here. See the image below if you are unable to find it.

Once you click on it you will be taken to an Etsy page where you will find Share your link now to start reaping the rewards link. Copy that link and share it on social media, your blogs, or just about anywhere and everywhere.

This is my link. Please open your Etsy Shop via this link if you found this useful. It will help me a lot to keep making such tutorials for you.

Remember to share the right link. If you have multiple shops be sure to share the link of the shop where you want free listings. If you use the wrong account then you cannot ask Etsy to transfer it to your other account as they don't do it.

Please don't forget to share a link to your shop with me on twitter.

Practice and play around with these tutorials and 1 day you will be able to create awesome art with it in a professional manner and become a Really Creative Graphic Designer.

Don't forget to share your art with me and follow me on Twitter and Pinterest.

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Affiliate Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. This will not cost you a single penny extra. Thanks for the understanding and rewarding me for my hard work.