Web And Graphic Design Blog

Layout and composition made easy

Layout and composition can be regarded as the most important element of graphic design. You may be using the best images and best text but if your layout and composition is not going your design will be a complete failure. Composition means to arrange your images,text and other graphic element on the page in such a manner that the entire graphic looks like a single piece. All the element must be so arranged that it will leads the viewers eye and is narrative to convey the message of the design. All elements mus follow a rhythm like in music all notes follow each other so is in graphic design all elements must follow each other to form a cohesive piece.

There are various principles of layout and composition.They are

Proximity : It refers to grouping related elements together. There are many elements in a design but then they can be easily grouped together according to the information they convey.Images of similar nature like social icons or text of similar nature ie personal details can be grouped together.This helps the reader to easily grasp the information or message of design at one glance and also makes the design look good.example of business card fit well here where we group personal information in a group and contact information in group and then we arrange them in such a way that it looks clean and professional.

White Space : It is important of any design.It is actually the negative space.It is the pace between your elements,between lines and also include the margin area.There should be adequate amount of white space between all elements in the design.If there is no spacing between the elements your design will look cluttered and difficult to understand. Add some breathing space to all your elements so that they don't die of suffocation and hence your entire design.White space also helps groups elements in design.

The best example of white space usage is Google home page how it uses white space to make you focus on what you are here for ie search.

Alignment : It is align all your elements in design in a consistent manner. Whit using text we always use alignment. Not just text but all your elements need alignment.It is that invisible grid that groups your elements together.

Contrast : It means that one element is different from other. In layout and composition it is used to call attention to something important, create emphasis or catch eye. Contrast can be created by making important items bold or bigger than other. It can be created adjusting colors,alignment or size and weight of the element.Use of appropriate contrast helps create adequate hierarchy in design.It helps to focus the viewers eye on the elements the viewer should look at first.  It helps guide viewers eye from one element of design to other. It is quite simple decide which elements are important and then make them bigger or bolder or use different font and style for them.

Repetition : It means  to use repeating elements of the design in consistent manner through out your design. For example your color palette, every design has a color scheme so use those color throughout your design  in a way that will help viewers understand that it is the same design that they are looking at. Another example would be your header style keep it consistent ie repeat your style  throughout your design so it creates a consistent look. As the rule that "do not overuse" applies here as well.

These are all principles of layout and composition.Well these was only to make you familiar the principles of layout and composition while each principle is a vast topic in itself.In future I will cover them in depth.If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.If you follow these principles in your design your design is sure to be perfect.Take time play around with different layout and composition and eventually you will become good with using layout and composition in professional manner and become a Really Creative Graphic Designer.